La Liberty', the Milonga of Syracuse

Evento organizzato da: La Bohemien
Data evento : Sat 10/12/2022
Ora evento: 21:30
Ora fine evento: 02:00
Tipo evento: Milonga
Localita: Via Regina Margherita 17, Siracusa , Siracusa
Locale: Salone Auditorium In Palazzetto Palazzetto Storico A Due Passi Dalla Magica Ortigia, Raffinato Ed Elegante In Puro Stile Liberty. E' Gradita La Prenotazione.


Saturday 17/12/2022 'la Liberty' is back with its unmistakable style...... Bohemien is pleased to invite you to our milonga at the Anmig concert hall (former Privitera music academy) in a unique and elegant room facing the small port of the city....
milonga start: 21.30
end of milonga: Hasta Las Candelas No Ardan.....

our milonga has a capacity of max 100 people....
RESERVATION is welcome
Click below to book
Admission: 10 euros with non-alcoholic drink, (free membership card) possibility of an aperitif and alcoholic drinks at the very elegant bar of the B&b Regina Margherita, possibility of overnight stay with prices in agreement with our milonga.
Tdj Cristian Petricca
Info and reservations :
the Liberty Viale Regina Margherita 17
admission 10 euros with non-alcoholic drink
contacts: Cristian 348 4089831