Mario Tdj el rojo
Telefono: 3484809969
Web site: http://marioscotto.wix/com.mario-scotto
Facebook: link


Cellulare: 3484809969

Facebook: MarioTDJ el rojo

Mario Scotto

He prefers orchestras of golde age, those with continuous energy exchange betwen the music and dancers. He proposes tandas with of 3 or 4 tangos for to create the “buena onda” in according to thedance floor; a sequence of pieces that transport the dancers in the Tango essence. Energy that rises and mitigates himself because of the music of Di Sarli, Fresedo, De Angelis, Tanturi, and then D’Arienzo, Troilo, Pugliese, Color Tango. For 20 years in the milongas, Mario can feel in all night phase, the atmosphere of dance floor for to transmit to the dancers  emotion, energy, feeling and sentiment. 

Curriculum: TJ resident in the milonga La Granda di Savigliano e alla Villa Bellocchio a Magliano, al Mojito di Cuneo e nelle milonghe itineranti di Centostazioni. Ha musicalizzato le serate Acquarius 2014, Boulogne 2015, Piazza Virginio 2014/15/16, Fisa Club a Riva Ligure, Encuentro Regal a Mondovì. Inoltre la Serata d’onore a Dogliani, la Maratona 2015 a Cuneo, l’Acaia Tango Festival a Savigliano.


Selezione musicale:

D'Arienzo: El Huracan- Derecho Viejo- El Entrerriano- Canaro en Paris

Troilo. Milongueando en el 40- Cachirulo- Guapeando- Tinta verde

Milonga d'arte Sat 11/05/2024